Home Certified A Wise
Inspector Service Mississippi
Home Inspector Reporting Property Conditions. Years of Experience and
Thousands of New Homes Inspected. 601-540-0144 We are New Home Certified.
wind turbine attic ventilator is not mounted properly and
will be prone to leak during a heavy rainfall. The base is
adjustable by twisting or rotating to a level position.
Consult a qualified home inspector.
photo shows the correct wind turbine installation. This view
if from the roof side or exterior of the house. We should also
see a hole cut in the roof decking from inside the attic.
picture shows ridge vents for attic ventilation. This looks
good from the roof side, however the roof decking should be
cut back from the ridge to allow the hotter attic air to flow
out. You may be able to view the ridge cut out from inside the
attic ventilation provisions noted in the photo taken by A
Wise Brandon, Mississippi Home inspector. You can see the two
wind turbines or sometimes called whirly birds and four other
smaller vents that allow heat or in some cases smoke out. You
can view more photos of attic ventilation provisions by
clicking on the photo of the ventilation shown above.
This bathroom vent fan cover is stopped up.
Cleaning is recommended. This is a common notation in a home
of a power attic ventilator. The advantage of a power attic
ventilator is it can move more cubic feet of air than a wind
turbine and it is thermostatically controlled so it only runs
when the temperature is hot. The down side is the motors fail
Wise Inspector Service
of Experience and Thousands of Homes Inspected
New Home Certified Inspector.
view of a power attic ventilator shows the wiring is exposed
and not in the thermostat/junction box and missing its cover.
The exposed electrical wiring is a very common notation in
home inspections.