A Wise Inspector Service Mississippi Home Inspector Reporting Property Conditions. Years of Experience and Thousands of Homes Inspected. 601-540-0144 We Inspect all types of Gas Logs. VA Clearance.


Jackson, MS Inspectors

Brandon, Madison, Jackson, Canton, Ridgeland, Pearl, Florence, Richland, Byram.

Mississippi Home Inspector

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Cooling Systems

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Fire Place






Lead Based Paints


Water Heaters

Whirlpool Tubs



For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. 

Isaiah 41:13


Mississippi Home Inspectors serving, Brandon, Mississippi,

Byram, Mississippi,

Flowood, Mississippi,

Pearl, Mississippi,

Madison, Mississippi,

Canton, Mississippi,

Jackson, Mississippi,

Ridgeland, Mississippi,

Richland, Mississippi,

Rankin and Hinds County.



 Brandon, Madison, Jackson, Canton, Ridgeland, Pearl, Florence, Richland, Byram.

Mississippi Home Inspectors


VA Clearance on Vent free gas logs


Fireplace photo page. It is very important to know what kind of fireplace set up you have in your home. As a Mississippi home inspector for a number of years I can tell you this is an extremely important safety area. You should be present during the home inspection and pay close attention. Schedule Inspection

This is a brick fireplace with a gas burner or starter, set up for wood burning. This style gas provision has no Safety shut off. When you turn the key to the gas valve, gas comes out. Place the gas key out of reach of children and curious adults. The damper must also be open before wood burning. Consult a qualified Mississippi home inspector.




VA Clearance letters available upon request with home inspection.

We inspect vent free gas logs.

We inspect vented gas logs.

We inspect wood burning fireplaces.



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This chimney is missing a chimney cap. A chimney cap acts as a rain guard, spark arrestor and prevents unwanted birds and critters from entering the chimney.